Reception area interior design and furniture for Simplifile corporate headquarters.
Custom woven wall for office cubicles and office furniture for Simplifile corporate headquarters.
Break room interior design, cabinetry and furnishings.
Restroom interior design, millwork and mirrors.
Guest area seating and planter design and build.
Conference room design and furniture build and install.
Reception area staircase design, build and installation.
Custom fireplace, wall panels, seating and graphics for reception area.
Break room cabinetry design and build.
Conference room table design and build.
Office furnishing design, build and installation.
Custom stair railing design.
Reception desk design, build and installation.
Executive office interior design.
Executive office furniture design and manufacturing.
Office cubicle design, build and installation.
Corporate office interior design and branding.
Waiting area design and furnishings,
Executive office custom furniture.
Custom designed upholstered furniture.
Simplfile corporate office reception area design, branding and build out.
Small conference room interior and furnishing design.


Provo, UT USA

Simplifile's new corporate headquarters is a modern office and that required planning, interior design & branding, furniture design and manufacturing for numerous areas of the thirty thousand square foot facility.

Project Scope:

+ Space Planning

+ Interior Design 

+ Interior Branding

+ Lighting Plans & Specification

+ Color & Materials Specification

+ Furniture & Fixture Design

+ Furniture & Fixture Manufacturing

+ Packing & Shipping

+ Installation 

Learn more about our office interior design services. 

Photography, Alan Blakely

© 2024 Wadsworth Design Inc.

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